Monday, April 19, 2010

Back to Basics

I was recently advised, by a very seasoned angler (and fly fishing manager at the Orvis store in Bethesda, MD), to go off the beaten path. There is a small and wild stream in central Maryland called Morgan Run, and it is way off the beaten path. His advice was based on a recent update that trout stocking had commenced on the Morgan Run, and fishing should be good. Even on a very grey and cold day in mid-April.
The day started off slow. It was raining steadily, but I was dressed appropriately so I wandered freely through the Morgan Run's lush surroundings. The river itself is luscious. It is clearly a unique trout fishing environment.
And although my advisor's recommendation of Morgan Run was based on trout stocking (rainbow trout, supposedly), it didn't take me long to land a pair of native skipping a Muddler Minnow across the surface. The fish were holding deep, but the eagerly rose to inhale the minnow as it danced on the water's surface. Very exciting, and as the rainfall strengthened and my hands began to take on the chill in the air I kept wandering.
I found myself quite far downstream. I saw no other anglers, and heard only birds and soft footfalls of small animals. I think I have found a new favorite, and I think since it is off the beaten path it may be all mine, unless of course I see you there...